• 09 Mayfair Maisonettes, A2, Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya

  • What is Spay / Neuter?


    • A surgical procedure refers to removing female dogs' and cats' reproductive organs (ovaries and uterus).
    • It is also known as an ovariohysterectomy (both uterus and ovaries are removed) or ovariectomy (where only ovaries are removed).
    • Both surgeries are equally effective and safe.
    • This procedure renders the female unable to reproduce and eliminates her heat cycle.
    • Performed under anesthesia.


    • Removal of both testicles and associated structures in male dogs and cats.
    • Also known as castration.
    • Renders the male pet unable to reproduce.
    • Performed under anesthesia

    The typical age for spaying/neutering is between 4 and 6 months, but some may be spayed/neutered at two months of age. It is often recommended to spaying a female before her first heat cycle. Size is an important factor for males, with smaller breeds often being neutered earlier than larger breeds.

    At Westlands Veterinary Clinic, we recommend that you first bring in your pet for a checkup to ensure no health issues before this surgery. We can also recommend the best time to spay your pet and know their complete medical history, allergies, or any medications that they may be on.

  • 10 Reasons You Should Spay / Neuter Your Pet

    1. Your pet will live a happier, healthy, and longer life. The life expectancy of neutered male dogs is 13.8% longer, and spayed female dogs are 26.3% longer. The average age of death of dogs is 7.9 years of intact dogs versus significantly 9.4 years for altered dogs.
    2. It significantly improves health and wellness.  Spayed and neutered pets are significantly less prone to diseases such as breast cancer in females and testicular cancer or prostate enlargement in males. In addition to that benefit, spaying/neutering will not make your pet overweight or lazy.
    3. It improves your pet's mood. Pets can go in heat for several months of the year, and this causes a lot of stress when they are in heat. Being spayed or neutered helps relieve that stress and leaves you with a more content pet.
    4. Spaying means a cleaner female dog at home. Female dogs will pass a bloody type of fluid twice a year for about ten days as a part of their estrous cycle. As a result, constant care must be taken to avoid carpet stains and other stains. Spaying your dog eliminates this problem.
    5. Your male dog won't have the nagging urge to run away from home at every opportunity. It's wise to remember that a male in heat will do practically anything to try to mate! They will dash out the door, dig under fences, or break free from their leashes - whatever they can to escape. Once he's free, though, the pet risks getting hit in traffic or fights with other animals. Neutering will reduce this urge.
    6. Neutered pets will not keep marking your home. Unaltered dogs mark their territory by spraying strong-smelling urine all over the house.
    7. It controls their behavior: Aggressive behavior; Roaming, especially when females are in heat; Excessive barking and mounting activity; and in-heat behaviors such as yowling/vocalizing, rolling, and demanding behaviors.
    8. No family wants to cope with an unwanted pregnancy. Spaying prevents your pet from giving birth to unwanted puppies that you have no idea what to do with or how to care for. It's unfair to you and the poor pets that may now have no home.
    9. Spaying and neutering is very cost-effective. The cost to spay/neuter your pet is significantly less than the cost of caring for an unwanted litter. It also beats the cost of treatment for a nasty fight if your unneutered pet escapes and gets into it with another animal.
    10. Spaying and neutering helps control the pet population. Millions of cats and dogs are euthanized at animal shelters or suffer as strays every year. These high numbers result from an unplanned and unwanted litter that could have been prevented by spaying and neutering.


  • Recovery From Spay / Neuter Surgery

    Here are our recommendations to help your pet recover comfortably and quickly from a spay/neuter surgery:

    • Don't bathe for 10 days post-surgery.
    • Check the incision frequently to make sure it is healing. If you notice redness, swelling, or a foul-smelling discharge, be sure to get in touch with us immediately.
    • Keep your pet inside and away from all other pets during recovery.
    • Do not let your dog run or jump at all for at least two weeks after surgery.
    • Use an e-collar to prevent the pet from licking, scratching, or biting the incision site.
    • Bring them in if your pet is vomiting, lethargic, or has diarrhea.